Let’s Play it safe

Bus Rules, Fines & Safety guidelines

To ensure we can provide a clean and safe environment for every renter and their passengers, these are the safety guidelines, bus rules, and additional fines that we have in place. Please check out our Rental Terms & Conditions for additional information. 

Safety First

Safety Guidelines

In accordance with State & Federal Department of Transportation regulations and other associated laws, these are our safety rules and guidelines for our party buses.

Driver Authority

Although the driver is there to make the rental as enjoyable as possible, they also have responsibilities and authority over what happens on the bus and where the bus travels, in accordance with state & federal laws concerning passenger carrier vehicles. This also includes state laws & regulations concerning alcohol on a charter bus. All of their instructions are to be followed at all times. (Anyone refusing will be removed, or the rental ends with no refund)

Emergency Exits

Designated windows, roof hatches, and main bus doors are emergency exits. Instructions to open each one are posted on or near them. Do not open or tamper with any of the emergency exits unless there’s an emergency. ($250 fine)

No Smoking

No smoking or vaping (Including e-cigarette, juul, etc.) of any kind may be done on the bus. ($250 fine & Violators will be removed from the bus)

The Safety Line

Federal law prohibits anyone from crossing the safety line between the driver and the passenger section or distracting the driver when the bus is in motion. (Violators will be removed or the rental ends with no refund)

Seat Etiquette

Please remain seated or hold onto the handlebars while the bus is in motion. Do not sit on the backs of the seats or lean against the windows. Also, please, no shoes or heels on the seats. (Damage fines may apply)

Prohibited Items

No illegal drugs or substances (e.g., marijuana) or weapons (e.g., knives, guns, etc.) are allowed on the bus. (Violators will be removed or the rental ends with no refund)

Passenger Conduct

Arguing, fighting, altercations or nonconsensual physical contact will not be tolerated. (Violators will be removed from the bus or the rental ends with no refund)

Drink Responsibly

Alcohol Safety

In accordance with the NLCC’s rules and regulations, these are the policies and rules we have put in place to provide safe transportation for renters & their guests.

Check out our Alcohol Policies for more information and exceptions for weddings, high school, or family-friendly events.


Every passenger will be required to present a valid driver’s license or appropriate government ID, before boarding the bus. 


If a passenger becomes over-intoxicated, they will be instructed to stop consuming alcohol. If they refuse, they will be removed from the bus, and the renter will be responsible for providing a safe way home for that passenger. If the renter & alt. contact both become over-intoxicated, the rental will end with no refund. 

2am cutoff

Similar to bars, we have a cutoff. The latest drop-off time we are allowed to do is 2:00 AM and will apply to all rentals, with no exceptions.

Underage Passengers

Every passenger must be 21 years old or older to board the bus. Anyone under the age of 21 will be turned away.

Open Containers

Absolutely no open containers can be taken off the bus or taken out of bars or any other establishment that serves alcohol. It is against the law. (Violators will be removed or the rental ends with no refund)

Law Enforcement

Nebraska law now allows any law enforcement officer to check valid IDs, as well as check for overconsumption of anyone getting on or off a charter bus or party bus.

“Ew, david!”

Clean Up fines

It’s hardworking cleaning a bus, especially when it comes to biohazard cleanup and safety. These are the rules and fines we have in place to provide a clean bus throughout the rental.


Please use the trashcans on the bus. Please do not put trash behind, between, or underneath the seats or anywhere else other than the trashcans.


If the bus has a restroom, please do not put any trash (including cans, bottles, or any items other than toilet paper) down the toilet or sink. ($250 fine to unclog the toilet or sink)

Addt’l Clean up

No styrofoam cups, styrofoam coolers, jello shots, candies, gummies, popcorn, glitter, confetti, or excessive mud, liquids, or trash. (Additional $100 cleaning fee)

Biohazard Fine

Please only use the bathroom or trashcans if someone needs to vomit. Bodily fluids outside of the toilet or trash can will not be tolerated. ($200 fine per biohazard cleanup incident)